Veterans, Family Name
Adams, Claude and Lucier, Max, WW II
Amyotte, John
Askwith, Dorothy, WW II
Aubichon, Charles, WW II
Aubichon, Ralph and Ouellette, J.B. (Chip), WW II
Aubichon, Ralph WW II
Aubichon, Ralph, WW II
Belanger, John, WW II
Belanger, Leo, WW II (01)
Belanger, Leo, WW II (02)
Belcourt, Ed, WWII
Belcourt, Ed, WWII, Discharge Certificate
Blondeau, James WW II
Blondeau, James, WW II and his wife Josephine
Blondeau, Maurice WW II
Blondeau, Morris; unknown; Petit, Claude; Petit, Norris
Bourassa, Leo, WW II
Bourassa, William, WW I
Boyer, Edmond Joseph (01)
Boyer, Edmond Joseph (02)
Boyer, Estelle (01)
Boyer, Estelle (02)
Boyer, Euclide, WW II
Buck, Gordon Adam, Pelly, Edward, Pelly, Joseph A., and Wilson, Charlie, WW I
Buskey, John, WW II (01)
Buskey, John, WW II (02)
Camponi, Ron
Camponi, Ron, WW II and Korean War
Caplette, Eli, Cpl., Korean War
Carey, Lawrence, WW II
Carriere, David H., Letendre, August, Carriere, Frank, and DuBois, Charlie, Second World War
Carriere, David Henry, 1939-1945 Star, Second World War
Carriere, David Henry, Canadian Army Medals, Second World War
Carriere, David Henry, Canadian Volunteer Service Medal, Second World War
Carriere, David Henry, Defence Medal, Second World War
Carriere, David Henry, France and Germany Star, Second World War
Carriere, David Henry, Second World War (01)
Carriere, David Henry, Shadow Box
Carriere, David Henry, Veteran of the Second World War, 1970s
Carriere, David Henry, War Medal 1939-1945, Second World War
Carriere, Frank, Canadian Army, Second World War
Chatelaine, Louis, WW I
Chatelaine, Robert, WW II
Collins, Alphonse, WW II
Collins, Joseph Alfred, WW II
Collins, Maxim and Laliberte, Clarence, Korean War
Collins, Ronald, Korean War
Corrigal, Cyprian, WW II
Delaronde, R. and Fiddler, W.M.
Delaronde, R. and King, E., WW II
Delaronde, R. and Landry, Stanley, WW II
Delaronde, Raymond N., WW II and Korean War
Desjarlais, Urbain, Lestock, WWII
Dorion, Jean-Baptiste, WW I
DuBois, Charlie, Canadian Army, Second World War
Dumont, Albert, WWII
Dumont, August, WWII
Dumont, David
Dumont, Emma Stella, WWII
Dumont, Herman and Trotchie (Askwith), Dorothy, WWII
Dumont, Lawrence James, WWII
Dumont, William A., WW II
Dumont, William Allan, WWII (02)
Durocher, Ambroise J., Korean War
Duroucher, Stan and Umpherville, Charlie, WW II
Duroucher, Stan, WW II
Fayant, Joe and King, Edward, WW II
Fayant, Joe, WW II
Fayant, Joseph, WW II
Ferguson, Leon, WW II
Ferguson, Leon, WW II
Fiddler, Joe, WWII (Back)
Fiddler, Joe, WWII (Front)
Fiddler, Joseph and Lawrence and Two Unknown Men, WW II
Fiddler, Joseph; Fiddler, Lawrence; two unknown men
Flamond, Joseph, WW II
Flamont, John, and Alice, WW II
Fleury, Conrad
Fosseneuve, Charles; Fosseneuve, Gordon; Fosseneuve, Frank
Fossenueve, Roy
Goulet, Claude and Fossenueve, Roy, US and Canada, Peace-Time
Goulet, Claude, US Army
Goulet, Moise A., and Sanderson, Raymond
Haggerty, Chartrand, and Gaudry WW I
Hamilton, Eldon Hilyard
Henderson, Norm and Settee, Nathan, WW II
Henderson, Norm, WW II (01)
Henderson, Norm, WW II (02)
Henry, Wilfred, WW II (01)
Henry, Wilfred, WW II (02)
Hessdorfer, Cliff, Tomkins, Frank, Ferguson, Leon and Umpherville, Charlie, WW II
Hessdorfer, Cliff, WW II
Hessdorfer, Cliff, WW II (01)
Hessdorfer, Cliff, WW II (02)
King, Edward and Carey, Lawrence, WW II
King, Edward and Madden, Ora, WW II
King, Edward and Morin, Vital
King, Edward, WW II (01)
King, Edward, WW II (02)
King, Edward, WW II (03)
King, Edward, WW II (04)
King, Edward, WW II (05)
King, Edward, WW II (06)
King, Edward, WW II (07)
King, Edward, WW II (08)
King, Edward, WW II (09)
King, Edward, WW II (10)
King, Edward, WW II and Wife
Laboucane, Emile, WW II
Laboucane, Louis, WW II
Lajimodiere, Harold (01)
Lajimodiere, Harold (02)
Lajimodiere, Harold (03)
Lajimodiere, Harold (04)
Lajimodiere, Harold and Tomkins, Frank
Laliberte, John and Emelien, WW I
Laliberte, Peter, Aubichon, Martin, Laliberte, Stanley and Aubichon, Ernest, 1950s
Laliberte, Peter, WW II
Laliberte, Victor, WW I
Landrie, Sam, WWII
Lavalley, Jim, WW II (01)
Lavalley, Jim, WW II (02)
Lentendre, Hugh Victor, Robert Berard, Bertha Clark-Jones, Oscar Lacombe, and George Pambrun
Letendre, August, Canadian Army, Second World War
Loyie, George, WW I
Lucier, Max and Adams, Claude, WW II
Lucier, Max, WW II (01)
Lucier, Max, WW II (02)
Lucier, Max, WW II (03)
Madden, Ora, WW II (01)
Madden, Ora, WW II (02)
Malbeuf, Alex, WW II
Malbeuf, Alfred
Martin, Joseph, WW II
Maurice, J.B., WW II
Merrifield, Edith Hilda, WW II (01)
Merrifield, Edith Hilda, WW II (02)
Montour, George and William, WW I
Morin, Albert (Group) WW II
Morin, Albert, Group of Soldiers, WW II
Morin, Eugene and Laliberte, Stanley, 1950s
Morin, Lawrence, Group of Soldiers, WW II
Morin, Norbert, WW I
Morin, Vital, WW II
Morin, Vital, WW II (01)
Morin, Vital, WW II (02)
Morin, Vital, WW II (03)
Morin, Vital, WW II (04)
Morin, Vital, WW II (05)
Morin, Vital, WW II and Lavallée, Guy
Morin, WW II
Myette, H. J.
New Recruits, Meadow Lake, WW II
Nicholas, Archie
Nolin, Louis, WW II
Ouelette, Buster, WWII
Ouelette, Oliver and Paul, WWII
Pambrum, George, WW II
Pelletier, Daniel
Pelletier, Daniel, WW I
Pelletier, Peter, WW II
Pelletier, Peter, WW II
Petit, Norris
Petit, Norris and son
Poirier, Willfred, WW II (01)
Poirier, Willfred, WW II (02)
Poitras, Alex, WW II
Poitras, Joseph Martial, WW II
Poitras, Louis and Unknown Man, WW II
Poitras, Vital and Poitras, Alex
Pruden, Leo, WW II
Ross, Daniel, Morin, Stanley, Sanregret, Harry and Unknown Man, Korean War
Ross, Harold (01)
Ross, Harold (02)
Ross, Victor, WW II
Roy, Louis, WW II
Sanderson, Owen, WW I
Sanregret, Harry, Morin, Stanley and Gervais, Arnold, Korean War
Sayese, Lawrence
Sayese, Lawrence and family
Sayese, Lawrence, WW II
Shortt, Marie Agnes, Saskatoon, WWII, CWAC (01)
Shortt, Marie Agnes, Saskatoon, WWII, CWAC (02)
Sinclair, Alex , WW I
Sinclair, Joseph Mervin
Sinclair, Joseph Mervin, Disharge Certificate
Sinclair, Joseph Mervin, WWII Service and Pay Book (01)
Sinclair, Joseph Mervin, WWII Service and Pay Book (02)
Tanner, William, WW II
Tomkins, Frank, WW II
Tourond, Urbain
Trotchie, Clarence, WWII
Trotchie, Clarence, WWII (with Grandfather, Peter Trottier)
Trotchie, Clarence, WWII, Statement of Service
Trotchie, Irvin, and Birmingham, Roy WWII
Trotchie, Irvin, WWII
Umpherville, Charlie
Umpherville, Charlie WW II
Umpherville, Charlie, WW II (01)
Umpherville, Charlie, WW II (02)
Umpherville, Charlie, WW II (03)
Veterans, GDI Book Launch, Regina
Veterans, GDI Book Launch, Saskatoon
Veterans, Prince Albert Metis Fall Festival, 1998 (01)
Veterans, Prince Albert Metis Fall Festival, 1998 (02)
Veterans, Prince Albert Metis Fall Festival, 1998 (03)