Indian Industrial School, Duck Lake, Saskatchewan
Around the Swings (Green Lake)
At Duck Lake (05)
Aug 1951, Buffalo Narrows as seen from the fire tire
Batoche School, 1917
Beauval Brick kiln
Beauval School (01)
Beauval School (02)
Beauval School (03)
Beauval School - Students
Beauval School Teacherage
Beauval School, Sept. 1949 (01)
Beauval School, Sept. 1949 (02)
Beauval Students (01)
Beauval Students (02)
Beauval Students (03)
Beauval Students (04)
Beauval Students (05)
Children playing game at recess time
Class in Métis School, Duck Lake, SK
Cumberland House – Schools (1)
Cumberland House – Schools (2)
Cumberland House – Schools, Students (1)
Cumberland House – Schools, Students (2)
Duck Lake Métis School
Duck Lake Students
Evening entertainment for natives of district, held in school at Lac La Ronge
Exterior view of the school at Cumberland, 1950
First Industrial School, Lebret
First Residential School Built at Lac la Ronge
Government aided School at Beauval 1941
Green Lake, Schools
Group of Indian School Boys, Duck Lake
Group of Indian School Girls, Duck Lake
Handicrafts being taught to Native children in school
Ile-à-la-Crosse School House c. 1938
Indian Industrial School (01)
Indian Industrial School (02)
Indian Industrial School Grounds
Indian Res. School, Lac La Ronge
Indian Residential School at Battleford
Indian Residential School at Duck Lake, ca. 1910
La Loche School (01)
La Loche School (02)
Lebret Métis Farm (24)
Lebret Métis Farm (25)
Mackay School, Hospital and Memorial Church
Mackay School, The Pas
Métis boys in the primary grades
Métis girls in the primary grades
Mr. Bossman, Mr. Giles and Catherine (Beatty) Okanee (01)
Mr. Bossman, Mr. Giles and Catherine (Beatty) Okanee (02)
Mrs. Mlazgar, S.P.H.N inoculating native boy, Cumberland House School
Mrs. Mlazgar, S.P.H.N inoculating native girl, Cumberland House School
Native boy, Cumberland House School giving a talk on a history lesson
Native school children making cocoa, Cumberland House School
Native school children washing dishes, Cumberland House School
New La Ronge School
New School at Cumberland House - Aug 1947
New School, Cumberland House
Old Public School, Lebret
Qu’Appelle Indian Industrial School
Ready to go to School – Green Lake, St. Pascal SD.
Roman Catholic Priests
School at Lebret
School Children (Green Lake)
School Children at Play
School Children drinking cocoa, Cumberland House School
School Class, Métis School, Duck Lake
School Class, Métis School, Duck Lake
School site from hill, north of school - Near Lebret
School, Lebret
St. Antoine School, Batoche
St. Gabriel’s Convent School
St. Louis de Langevin R.C. Public School, No. 14
St. Louis or Domremy School?
Staff and pupils – Beauval School
Stony Rapids School (01)
Stony Rapids School (03)
Stony Rapids School (04)
Stony Rapids School (05)
Stony Rapids School (06)
Stony Rapids School (07)
Stony Rapids School (08)
Stony Rapids School (09)
Students at Lac La Ronge School (01)
Students at Lac La Ronge School (02)
Students at Lac La Ronge School (03)
Students reading in class
Students working in their school gardens - Qu'Appelle
Teacherage, Métis School, Duck Lake
Tepees in Industrial School Grounds
The Grave of Mother Mary Anne Frances Austin
The New School at Beauval
The Teacherage - This building has also a small hospital
Two of the Three School Buildings at Green Lake
World map studied by Native children