Water Prayer Song

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Title: Water Prayer Song
Creator: Andrea Menard
Subject: Michif, Songs, Andrea Menard
Description: Water Prayer Song is a prayer song for women+ all over the Metis Homeland, and all over the world. Women+, who are the lifegivers, are being asked to sing their water songs to bring healing to the waters and to the people. After hearing that so many Metis women didn’t know any water songs, Andrea created this song to fill that void. The Water Prayer Song has been translated into 4 languages, but she hopes this is just the beginning. It’s a giveaway. So take this song and translate it into YOUR language.

Water Prayer Song Introduction:

Water Prayer Song
Written by Andrea Menard, translations by Maureen Belanger, Verna DeMontigny, Dianne Demarcke, Pascale Chartrand-Goodrich, Áina Seoighe

Pronunciations in Phonetics

Northern Michif – Maureen Belanger
Nina gamun nipi kitsi (I sing for the water)
Nina gamun kiya kitsi (I sing for you)
N’diyamhan nipi kitsi (I pray for the water)
Miyo pimatsewin tamee goya (To give all of us a good life)
Pima tsewin (Life)
Sagahi tiwin (Love)
Miyo mah tsihiwin (Peace)
Miyo pimatsewin tamee goya (To give all of us a good life)

Southern Michif – Verna DeMontigny
Nina gamun pour di loo, hiy hiy (I sing for the water)
Nina gamun pour kiya, hiy hiy (I sing for you)
N’diyamhan pour di loo (I pray for the water)
Miyo pimatsewin tamee goya (To give all of us a good life)
Pima tsewin (Life)
Sagahi tiwin (Love)
Miyo mah tsihiwin (Peace)
Miyo pimatsewin tamee goya (To give all of us a good life)

French – Pascale Chartrand-Goodrich, Dianne Demarcke
Que les eaux dans mon cores, hiy hiy (May the waters of my body)
Chante pour les eaux dans le tien, hiy hiy (Sing for the waters of yours)
Je t’offre cette priayre et ce doo refrain (I offer you this prayer & this gentle song)
Pour que les eaux on nous revienne (So the waters in us come back)
Revienne. Revienne. Revienne. (Come back. Come back. Come back)
or Renouvelle. Renouvelle. Renouvelle. (Renew. Renew. Renew.)
or Retourn. Retourn. Retourn. (Return. Return. Return.)
or Guérissent. Guérissent. Guérissent. (Heal. Heal. Heal.)
Pour que les eaux en nous revienne (So the waters in us come back)

Irish (Gaeilge) – Áine Seoighe
The English pronunciation of Gaeilge is ´Irish´.
The word ´Gaelic´ is an anglicised version of the word Gaeilge.
Go may ohn tishke ahnnum (That the water in me)
Eyg canah don ishke ahnnut (Sings for the water in you)
Banneem on fad-yir is ohrun uhnorr (I bless this prayer & honour song)
Go lysso on tishke shaw ereest (That this water will heal again)
Lyss. Lyss. Lyss. (Heal. Heal. Heal.)
or Anew. Anew. Anew. (Renew. Renew. Renew.)
Go lysso on tishke shaw ereest (That this water will heal again)

May the waters of me hiy hiy
Sing for the waters of you hiy hiy
I offer this prayer and this honouring song
So the waters right here renew.
Renew. Renew. Renew.
or Return, Return. Return.
or Retreat. Retreat. Retreat.
or Release. Release. Release.
So the waters right here renew (or return, or retreat, or release)


Proper Spelling in Irish – Áine Seoighe
Go mbeidh an tuisce ionam (That the water in me)
Ag canadh don uisce ionat (Is singing for the water in you)
Beannaím an phaidir is amhráin onóir (I bless this prayer & honour song)
Go leigheasfaidh an tuisce seo arís (That this water will heal again)
Leigheas. Leigheas. Leigheas. (Heal. Heal. Heal.)
(or) Athnuaigh or athnú ((or) Renew. Renew. Renew)
Go leigheasfaidh an tuisce seo arís (That this water will heal again)
Publisher: Gabriel Dumont Institute
Date: 2022
Type: Audio
Format: .mp3
Language: Michif, Gaelic, French, English
GDI Media Filename: 06_Water_Prayer_Song.mp3

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Category Anskoonamakew lii Shansoon—Andrea Menard