Riel’s Prayer

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Title: Riel’s Prayer
Creator: Andrea Menard
Subject: Michif, Songs, Andrea Menard
Description: Riel’s Prayer is a teaching song whispered to the Metis people from the Spirit realm. What would Riel want to say to you right now? He would want to remind you of who you are. To remember that you have the heart of the buffalo. And he would want you to be wary of the potential dangers in your midst.

Riel's Prayer - Introduction:

Riel’s Prayer
by Andrea Menard, translated by Graham M. Andrews

Pashkowuk ninashko pitchikanak (My great great grandchildren & grandparents)
Ayacuniyow lii kayr d’buffloo (You have the heart of the buffalo)
Natootuk ninashko pitchikanak (Listen grandchildren)
Ayacuniyow lii kayr d’buffloo (You have the heart of the buffalo )

Lii kayr kwyesh ayacun (You have a pure heart)
Nimoo nipiyacoon (You are not alone)
Nipash pieyowinan ensaamb (We are all together)
Wakotowiniwuk (We are family (we are all related))

Kashkey toewee wow la oomah (Heal now)
Ayacuniyow lii kayr d’buffloo (You have the heart of the buffalo)
Piey’sh k’kash’ kitow ashchi koowuk (Persevere. Don’t give up.)
Ayacuniyow lii kayr d’buffloo (You have the heart of the buffalo)

Lii kayr kwyesh ayacun (You have a pure heart)
Nimoo nipiyacoon (You are not alone)
Nipash pieyowinan ensaamb (We are all together)
Wakotowiniwuk (We are family)

Ashweytamik lii matcha tishiwahk (Beware the violent beings)
Ayacuniyow lii kayr d’buffloo (You have the heart of the buffalo)
Eyamiwuk pour lii poolysoon’wuk (Pray for the ignorant)
Ayacuniyow lii kayr d’buffloo (You have the heart of the buffalo)

Lii kayr kwyesh ayacun (You have a pure heart)
Nimoo nipiyacoon (You are not alone)
Nipash pieyowinan ensaamb (We are all together)
Wakotowiniwuk (We are family)
Publisher: Gabriel Dumont Institute
Date: 2022
Type: Audio
Format: .mp3
Language: Michif
Date of Copyright: November 9, 2022
GDI Media Filename: 01_Riel_s_Prayer.mp3

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