Michif Lessons

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Demonstrative Pronouns 3

That chair _______________________That is a book over there _______________________
These are skunks _______________________This is a chair _______________________
That is a shoe _______________________Come here _______________________
That is a pig _______________________These are tables here _______________________
Put it there _______________________Sit here _______________________
This is a dog _______________________This bird _______________________
These are rocks _______________________ 
Oota api Awaa lwayzoo Enn shayzh ooma Aen sooyii anima Aakoota aashta Lii rosh oohiin Aen liivr anima naytay Aen kwashoon anaa Aen shyayn awaa Aashtum oota Lii shikaak ookik oohiin lii taab oota Anima la shayzh
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